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Transformation Church




You are welcome here

We’re so glad you’ve decided to check us out. We’re a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community that believes the Church isn’t a building – it’s a people who love God completely, love themselves correctly, and love their neighbors compassionately. Here’s where you can learn a little bit about who we are and how you can connect here at TC.

At Transformation Church

We aspire

To teach GOSPEL Centered messages
To live GOSPEL Centered lives
To do GOSPEL Centered Works

We are

Shaped by the Great Commandment
Love GOD first, Love Your Neighbor as yourself.

Fueled By the Great Commission
Go makes Disciples of All Nations.

Join us on Sundays

10:30AM at

Schriekstraat 20a,
Kalken, Laarne, 9270

It will be our pleasure to have you visit us this and any other Sunday.

Kindly call us on  0476 84 05 29 Or 0470943465  

We look forward to seeing you. 


Our worship services are in English
Gladly translated into Flemish and Ukrainian by our dedicated translators
(with the help of our translation devices)

Our team

At Transformation Church, we desire to partner with God to bring heaven to earth. We do this with a multiethnic, multigenerational team because we believe it’s God’s heart to bring all people together. We do this prayerfully and with intentionality to allow God to form for us organically, a diversified team of leaders.

Get to know our team

Bible & T Kids

Our mission!

Welcome to Bible and T Kids! Our Children's Ministry lives out our family focus value as we partner with families to raise the next generation of Jesus followers. Our mission is to be disciples who make disciples. Through our Bible and T Kids classes and events, we share the simple truths of God’s great love in a fun and creative ways that guide children to choose to become Christ’s disciples. We provide safe, nurturing, and interactive environments for children, guiding all children to follow Jesus, moment by moment.

First time here?

Our team wants to give your family an excellent experience. Our team will happily show you the way to the children’s area when you arrive. You’ll meet the kid’s ministry director, who you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. We may ask you a few things, like your child's allergies and how many children are in your family, and get your contact information.